Her Majesty the Queen, who happens to be the sovereign of the United Kingdom (UK) government, has over the years been at the forefront of the global fight against climate change. The Queen, as an advocate of sustainable living, has worked hard to ensure that operations across the Royal Palaces and Estates reduce their negative impact on the ecosystem. For instance, Windsor Castle is powered by a hydroelectric power scheme on the River Thames. Adoption of sustainable products, recreation of biodiversity, and recycling of waste are also practiced at Windsor Castle. This demonstrates the Queen’s strong support for the global efforts to preserve the ecosystem for future generations. Her Majesty the Queen also established the Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarship (QECS), a fully-funded scholarship program aimed at students from Commonwealth nations who are committed to creating change in their communities, as part of her support for the actualization of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The Queen’s efforts to encourage the adoption of practices with little to no negative impact on the ecosystem are not different from the sustainability needs of Blair Castle in Scotland. Over the years, Blair Castle has been helping to recreate biodiversity, promote the use of renewable energy, and carbon sequestration. All of this is done to protect the ecosystem for future generations and to ensure that the planet remains a safe place for all. The House of Parliament, comprised of the House of Lords and the House of Commons, is not left out in the global efforts to mitigate against climate change. The UK government, headed by the Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, is committed to achieving the Net Zero Emissions of the Paris Agreement by 2030. This has seen the House of Parliament take the campaigns against climate change a step further through the introduction of some environmental improvement approaches like energy and utility improvements, waste and recycling improvements, water saving, and green travel improvements. At the famous Stockholm City Hall, the sustainability needs are not different from those of others. This is because the fight against climate change is a collective one, and Stockholm’s quest to become an eco-smart city by 2040. The city of Stockholm is known to be the first recipient of the first European Green Capital award (2010). Stockholm is also known to be one of Europe’s most environmentally friendly cities. In view of this, activities and events at City Hall are done in such a way that they have minimal impact on the environment. Having highlighted the efforts of Windsor Castle, Blair Castle, the House of Parliament, and Stockholm City Hall in the ongoing fight against climate change, it is imperative to state that these famous institutions need Corkbrick solutions. Corkbricks are modular, sustainable, dynamic structures and furniture that are used to optimize spaces in homes, offices, and public spaces. They are made with cork granules, a 100% renewable natural material. Corkbrick solutions are ecologically-friendly and directly align with the needs of these institutions to protect the ecosystem from the adverse effects of climate change. They impact directly on 6 out of the 17 SDGs, all 5 European Union Green Deal Goals, and also align with the Net Zero Emissions of the Paris Agreement. Corkbrick solutions are flexible and can be used in different capacities to meet the specific space needs of each event at these prestigious institutions. Aside from Corkbrick’s direct impact on the SDGs, Green Deal Goals, and the Net Zero Emissions Agreement, and the few points raised above, Windsor Castle, Blair Castle, the House of Parliament, and Stockholm City Hall also need Corkbrick solutions for the following reasons:
1.Encourage eco-space optimization. As institutions that are at the forefront of the global campaign against climate change, adopting Corkbrick’s eco-friendly structures and furniture for space optimization would set the pace for others, as these institutions stand as role models to several other institutions across the world. 2.To promote the creation of biodiversity sanctuaries beyond their institutions. The aforementioned institutions are strong promoters of biodiversity recreation. This is an essential part of the fight against climate change. Sadly, none of them has been able to replicate this outside of their institution. However, with Corkbrick solutions, they would be contributing to biodiversity recreation at different locations. This is because the production of Corkbricks requires the development of cork oak forests, which serve as biodiversity sanctuaries and to combat land degradation. 3.To promote the recycling of wasteThere is no way the world will win the ongoing fight against climate change if waste products are not effectively managed. This is because they would go on to impact our environment in a negative way. As such, Windsor Castle, Blair Castle, the House of Parliament, and Stockholm City Hall need Corkbrick solutions for their spaces. This is because these products are recyclable and help to reduce the quantity of waste products within the ecosystem. 4.To cut costs As sustainable dynamic structures and furniture that come in modular designs, Corkbrick products are multipurpose in nature, and completely a Do It Yourself (DIY) system. They do not require any prior technical experience or tools to assemble or disassemble. They are reusable, and can be used to build multiple furniture products and designs. What this means is that with a single solution, these institutions can reuse it in the future without spending extra money or needing to hire a middleman. 5.They adapt to the size and shape of your space. As dynamic structures and furniture, Corkbrick solutions easily adapt to the size and shape of your space. What this means is that they can easily be adjusted to suit your specific needs. This is totally different from the traditional structures and furniture, which lack flexibility. In view of this, these notable institutions stand to benefit from the versatility of Corkbrick solutions if they are adopted. The adoption of Corkbrick solutions by these institutions would directly help to reduce carbon emissions. As CORKBRICK Europe, the manufacturing of Corkbrick products, heavily relies on a remote workforce. This approach is adopted to reduce the quantity of fuel burnt by cars on a daily basis while commuting from home to office and vice versa. This is because the adoption would imply more sales for Corkbrick Europe and the need for more production. At the same time, it would mean less sales for non-ecologically friendly products, their products, and carbon dioxide emissions. Best Corkbrick Solutions For These Institutions The Windsor and Blair Castles
The House of Parliament City Hall of Stockholm
Article by Chinedu Nwogu |