Horasis Global Meeting 2019 - Follow Up – CORKBRICK EUROPE

Corkbrick Europe and Santander Bank collaborate to offer sustainable construction solutions

Horasis Global Meeting 2019 - Follow Up

Between the 6th and 9th of April, CORKBRICK EUROPE was present in the world’s foremost annual gathering of business leaders to explore and foster cooperation: “The Horasis Global Meeting”. 

For the 5th consecutive time, the event, co-hosted by the City of Cascais and by the Portuguese Government, took place in Cascais, Portugal and brought together more than 800) entrepreneurs, academics and politicians from 70 different countries.

The meeting’s purpose is always to advance valid constructive ideas and solutions for the most critical challenges facing corporations and humanity, nowadays.

This year the event discussions were centered on the theme of “Catalysing the Benefits of Globalization”.
Subjects as: alternative investments; innovation and alliances; venture capitalist; fossil fuels; global Innovation and wise investments; among others, were seriously debated by some of the most powerful and conscious world leaders present on the event.

A degree of transparency into what leaders see and think are the trends and risks is important, in order for the trust of citizens.” Helen Clark, Former Prime Minister, New Zealand at Horasis Global Meeting 2019.

CORKBRICK EUROPE’s CEO & Founder was present in April 9th debating the theme “Postmodern Globalization”. Globalization might have given rise to populism reacting against its inequalities: it is time to change. It is not enough to plead for equality – can we alter globalism to truly incorporate trust, diversity, and hope?

This was the subject discussed between other 5 different speakers, all of them with different backgrounds- transversal fact to all the sessions- bringing in this way, a diversity of good perspectives and ideas to this closing session.  


Diversity was actually the word —for us— , that can describe better the intrinsic value of this important event. Besides the world knowledge and influence held by the invited experts and politicians, it’s on their diverse background as well in the diversity of the subjects discussed during these 4 days, that thrives on the ability to produce constructive actions to improve the future needs.

It was a very participative event that encouraged constructive discussions, where everyone was focused on finding the best solutions for the most critical challenges facing corporations and humanity, nowadays.

"We are at the verge of change. And we need to change now. Individually and in community to realign to what is the essence of life — peace, health and happiness." Miguel Reynolds Brandão CEO & Founder CORKBRICK EUROPE 

Miguel Reynolds Brandão perspective was that we are at the verge of change. And we need to change now. Individually and in community to realign to what is the essence of life — peace, health, and happiness. We need to leverage from globalization and create a more inclusive and sustainable world — inspired by Dolphins (Dolphins are creative minds with sustainable vision), we can build a world that will proud the grand-children of our grand-children. CORKBRICK was mentioned as a good metaphor to illustrate how we can leverage from nature to create an organization that inspire creative minds into playing and simultaneously, build solutions for better spaces —  sustainably.

It was an honour to be present in such an impacting and significant event which should be without doubt interpreted as a positive investment not just for the City but also to Portugal as a Country.

"CORKBRICK was mentioned as a good metaphor to illustrate how we can leverage from nature to create an organisation that inspire creative minds into playing and simultaneously build solutions for better spaces —  sustainably." Miguel Reynolds Brandão CEO & Founder CORKBRICK EUROPE 

The effective proposals that result from this World meeting let us believe that there is on course a range of positive actions that can contribute to/for a more peaceful, fair and sustainable world.

Throughout these 4 days, CORKBRICK EUROPE was presented to many of the event participants and the feedback to our product, vision, and mission was incredibly positive! especially from Scandinavia, Germany and UK guests.

Over the course of the former President of Sierra Leone- Ernest Bai Koroma- initiative to recruit soldiers from across Africa to create an African engineering corps, who knows if CORKBRICK can be used as a smart, dynamic and sustainable solution to help this peacekeeping project!
The feedback was awesome!

The Horasis Global Meeting 2020 will be held over 28-31 March, again in Cascais and we will be there. Stay Tuned! 


Note: To check the full program please click here


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