We live in a world of speed and permanent change. People move, create and recreate more than ever. Millennials are significantly more dynamic, free and virtual than generation X or baby boomers.
People use space a variety of ways. Short rental models are a good example among many that illustrate a trend towards a dynamic interior architecture and design. There is a need to rethink and reinvent how we deal with nature and the space we live in. Our current resource wasting practices are unsustainable. There is a need to return to a philosophy creating long-lasting objects that can be reused by future generations.
We live in a world of speed and permanent change.
We need to extend the life cycle of goods and reinvent business models that rely on true economic value instead of an artificial obsolescence to force consumerism. We need to return to natural materials that can be used with no harmful consequences to future generations. We need to start caring today about the grandchildren of our children. We need to realize that we are mere passengers with the right to enjoy our journey but with the obligation not to jeopardize future generations’ journeys.